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Change log entry 29435
Processed by: richwarm (2010-07-03 07:23:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 27523 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Please check fanti, pinyin and English def!

Editor: Thanks for the comments, Yves!
With "著" added to 忙 I don't think it generally means to be busy in the sense of "making haste, being in a hurry" but rather "engaged" or "occupied" with some activity. I see the following as examples of this. As always, throw it back on the queue if you think I'm wrong. ;-)

他们正在忙着什么. They're up to something!
你这些日子忙着干什么. What have you been up to lately?
我正忙着...... I'm in the middle of ...
# 忙著感歎 忙着感叹 [mang2 zhe5 gan3 tan4] /to take it easy/
+ 忙著 忙着 [mang2 zhe5] /to be occupied (with doing sth)/
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