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Change log entry 29379
Processed by: miles (2010-07-01 06:37:05 GMT)
- 亙 亘 [gen4] /extend across/through/
+ 亙 亘 [gen4] /extending all the way across/running all the way through/
+ 亙古 亘古 [gen4 gu3] /throughout time/from ancient times (up to the present)/
+ 亙古通今 亘古通今 [gen4 gu3 tong1 jin1] /from ancient times up to now/throughout history/
+ 亙古未有 亘古未有 [gen4 gu3 wei4 you3] /unprecedented/never seen since ancient times/
+ 未有 未有 [wei4 you3] /is not/has never been/never occurring/unprecedented/
- 柄 柄 [bing3] /handle or shaft (of an axe etc)/(of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem/sth that affords an advantage to an opponent/
+ 柄 柄 [bing3] /handle or shaft (of an axe etc)/(of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem/sth that affords an advantage to an opponent/classifier for knives or blades/
+ 握有 握有 [wo4 you3] /to grasp and own/to hold (power)/
- 執掌 执掌 [zhi2 zhang3] /wield (power etc)/
+ 執掌 执掌 [zhi2 zhang3] /to wield (power etc)/
+ 柄臣 柄臣 [bing3 chen2] /powerful official/big shot/
+ 柄國 柄国 [bing3 guo2] /to hold state power/to rule/
+ 柄權 柄权 [bing3 quan2] /to hold power/
+ 柄政 柄政 [bing3 zheng4] /to rule/to be in power/
+ 未達一間 未达一间 [wei4 da2 yi1 jian4] /differing only slightly/not much between them/
+ 未及 未及 [wei4 ji2] /before (the end of a moment)/not involving/none of your business/
+ 未竟 未竟 [wei4 jing4] /unfinished/incomplete/
+ 未竟之志 未竟之志 [wei4 jing4 zhi1 zhi4] /unfulfilled ambition/
+ 未決 未决 [wei4 jue2] /as yet undecided/unsolved/still outstanding/
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