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Change log entry 29017
Processed by: ycandau (2010-06-08 15:01:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 27612 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
Dennis' questions:
1) "This entry doesn't make sense to me, in it you both claim that 打炮 is the simplified form of 打砲 and at the same time you say that 打砲 is another sort of variant of 打炮."
That's the basis of the discussion we have had. I thought we had reached consensus. If we don't agree for such entries, then we are not speaking of the same thing.
I see no contradiction here. 炮 and 砲, are both fanti, they both simplify to 炮, that's what it means.
The fact alone that 炮 is jianti for 砲 wouldn't warrant that it is a fanti variant.

2) "Does 砲 really simplify to 炮? None of the resources which I have at hand at the moment say so. If it doesn't the entry should be:
打砲 打砲 [da3 pao4] /variant of 打炮[da3 pao4]/"
Well, ok, that's a different question.
a) nciku says so.
b) More importantly, 第一批异体字整理表 says so.
c)There is no GB code for 砲.
you will find some pedants who say that 砲, meaning bombard, cannot be written 炮. Dictionaries pooh-pooh that attitude.
However, the choice rests with us. It can be discussed.

3) my own remark: since 砲 is already in the dict as variant of 炮, this entry is useless (do we agree on that? maybe we should confirm through the mailing list).
Then the discussion about fanti/jianti should only occur about the main entry 砲.
# + 打砲 打炮 [da3 pao4] /variant of 打炮[da3 pao4]/
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