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Change log entry 28444
Processed by: ycandau (2010-05-07 17:01:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28056 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 爲 爲 [wei2] /variant of 為|为[wei2]/as (i.e. in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve as/to behave as/to become/to be/to do/
+ 爲 为 [wei2] /variant of 為|为[wei2]/as (i.e. in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve as/to behave as/to become/to be/to do/
- 爲 爲 [wei4] /variant of 為|为[wei4], because of/for/to/
+ 爲 为 [wei4] /variant of 為|为[wei4], because of/for/to/
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