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Change log entry 27323
Processed by: ycandau (2010-02-11 19:55:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24162 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 1 / 2
Additions made to Xiaoma Cidian some time ago. Not sure about the Fantizi.
+ 螺拴 螺拴 [luo2 shuan1] /bolt/
+ 對生 对生 [dui4 sheng1] /opposite (botany)/
+ 支座 支座 [zhi1 zuo4] /abutment/
# 再不 再不 [zai4 bu4] /never again!/or/
# 抓起 抓起 [zhua1 qi3] /to grab/to arrest/
# 跨文化主義 跨文化主义 [kua4 wen2 hua4 zhu3 yi4] /cross-culturalism/
# 德士 德士 [de2 shi4] /cab, taxi (in Singapore, Malaysia)/
+ 上繳 上缴 [shang4 jiao3] /to transfer (income, profits etc.) to higher authorities/
+ 回墨印 回墨印 [hui2 mo4 yin4] /self-inking stamp/
# 棉紡 棉纺 [mian2 fang3] /cotton spinning/
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