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Change log entry 27237
Processed by: miles (2010-02-09 00:38:49 GMT)
- 封面 封面 [feng1 mian4] /cover (front cover of a magazine)/
+ 封面 封面 [feng1 mian4] /front cover (of a publication)/
- 關東軍 关东军 [Guan1 dong1 jun1] /the Japanese Kwantung army (or Kantou army), responsible for numerous atrocities in China during WWII/
+ 關東軍 关东军 [Guan1 dong1 jun1] /Japanese Kwantung army (or Kantō army), notorious for numerous atrocities in China during WWII/
- 臣民 臣民 [chen2 min2] /subjects of a kingdom/subjects of a feudal ruler/
+ 臣民 臣民 [chen2 min2] /subject (of a kingdom, ruler etc)/
- 凱恩斯 凯恩斯 [Kai3 en1 si1] /Keynes/
+ 凱恩斯 凯恩斯 [Kai3 en1 si1] /Keynes (name)/John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), influential British economist/
- 國慶節 国庆节 [Guo2 qing4 jie2] /(Chinese) National Day (October 1st)/
+ 國慶節 国庆节 [Guo2 qing4 jie2] /PRC National Day (October 1st)/
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