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Change log entry 27236
Processed by: miles (2010-02-09 00:38:23 GMT)
+ 衛滿朝鮮 卫满朝鲜 [Wei4 man3 Chao2 xian3] /Wiman Korea (195-108 BC), historical kingdom in Manchurai, Liaoning and north Korea/
+ 衛氏朝鮮 卫氏朝鲜 [Wei4 shi4 Chao2 xian3] /Wiman Korea (195-108 BC), historical kingdom in Manchurai, Liaoning and north Korea/
+ 燕國 燕国 [Yan1 guo2] /Yan, a vassal state of Zhou in modern Hebei and Liaoning/north Hebei/the four Yan kingdoms of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Yan 前燕 (337-370), Later Yan 後燕|后燕 (384-409), Southern Yan 南燕 (398-410), Northern Yan 北燕 (409-436)/
+ 漢四郡 汉四郡 [Han4 si4 jun4] /four Han commanderies in north Korea 108 BC-c. 300 AD/
+ 樂浪郡 乐浪郡 [Le4 lang4 jun4] /Lelang commandery (108 BC-313 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea/
+ 玄菟郡 玄菟郡 [Xuan2 tu4 jun4] /Xuantu commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea/
+ 臨屯郡 临屯郡 [Lin2 tun2 jun4] /Lintun commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea/
+ 真番郡 真番郡 [Zhen1 pan1 jun4] /Zhenpan commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea/
+ 禁書 禁书 [jin4 shu1] /banned book/
- 反思 反思 [fan3 si1] /to think back over sth that happened/to recollect/to turn over in one's mind/
+ 反思 反思 [fan3 si1] /to think back over sth/to review/to revisit/to rethink/reflection/reassessment/
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