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Change log entry 26990
Processed by: ycandau (2010-02-03 19:32:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24163 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 2 / 2
Additions made to Xiaoma Cidian some time ago. Not sure about the Fantizi.
+ 端面 端面 [duan1 mian4] /end face/
+ 納撒尼爾・霍桑 纳撒尼尔・霍桑 [Na4 sa1 ni2 er3 · Huo4 sang1] /Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) American novelist and short story writer/
+ 除數 除数 [chu2 shu4] /divisor (math.)/
+ 看成 看成 [kan4 cheng2] /to regard as/
# 抱著 抱着 [bao4 zhe5] /to embrace/
# 一端 一端 [yi1 duan1] /one end/
+ 軋輥 轧辊 [zha2 gun3] /roll/CL:根[gen1]/
+ 育種 育种 [yu4 zhong3] /to breed/breeding/
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