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Change log entry 26680
Processed by: ycandau (2010-01-28 20:50:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 26540 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
- 徐 徐 [xu2] /slow/gentle/surname Xu/
+ 徐 徐 [xu2] /slowly/gently/
+ 徐 徐 [Xu2] /surname Xu/
# I don't think it's a variant of 徐- the characters have absolutely nothing in common (not mentioned by Z either)
# 序 variant info is from kangxi 《集韻》象呂切。同序。《博雅》反坫謂之垿。
# not listed as a surname by Z or the netor name database
- 垿 垿 [xu4] /(arch.) table for wine goblets (used by the Duke of Zhou hosting his vassals)/variant of 徐, surname Xu/
+ 垿 垿 [xu4] /earthern goblet stand also known as 反坫[fan3 dian4] (old)/old variant of 序/
+ 反坫 反坫 [fan3 dian4] /earthern goblet stand also known as 垿[xu4] (old)/
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