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Change log entry 26677
Processed by: ycandau (2010-01-28 20:41:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23974 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 2 / 2
Editor: taking out some constructs, sorry
+ 會黨 会党 [hui4 dang3] /anti-Qing secret societies/
# 還要 还要 [hai2 yao4] /even more/still want.../
# 上年 上年 [shang4 nian2] /last year/
+ 毛坯 毛坯 [mao2 pi1] /semifinished products/
+ 中人 中人 [zhong1 ren2] /go-between/mediator/intermediary/
+ 換向 换向 [huan4 xiang4] /commutation (electricity)/
# 令人疲倦 令人疲倦 [ling4 ren2 pi2 juan4] /tiresome/
+ 綠肥 绿肥 [lu:4 fei2] /green manure/
+ 魚種 鱼种 [yu2 zhong3] /fingerling/
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