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Change log entry 26647
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-28 02:18:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24198 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 24186 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 1 / 2
Some of the entries added over time to Xiaoma Cidian. Not completely sure about the fantizi (though it has been quickly checked).
# resubmitting to faciliatate comments on each entry
+ 信筒 信筒 [xin4 tong3] /mailbox/postbox/
# confirmed
# 發酒瘋 发酒疯 [fa1 jiu3 feng1] /to get crazy drunk/
# "wildly drunk" might be better
+ 發酒瘋 发酒疯 [fa1 jiu3 feng1] /to get wildly drunk/
+ 宣傳部 宣传部 [Xuan1 chuan2 Bu4] /Propaganda Department/
# 在家 在家 [zai4 jia1] /to be at home/
# construct
# 管路 管路 [guan3 lu4] /pipeline (water, oil, etc.)/conduit/CL:條|条[tiao2]/
# this is generic for piping of any description
+ 管路 管路 [guan3 lu4] /piping for water, oil, etc)/conduit/
+ 安息茴香 安息茴香 [an1 xi1 hui2 xiang1] /see 孜然[zi1 ran2], cumin/
# see 孜然|孜然[zi1 ran2]
+ 阿拉伯茴香 阿拉伯茴香 [a1 la1 bo2 hui2 xiang1] /see 孜然[zi1 ran2], cumin/
# see 孜然|孜然[zi1 ran2]
+ 香桂 香桂 [xiang1 gui4] /see 桂皮[gui4 pi2], Chinese cinnamon/
# see 桂皮|桂皮 [gui4 pi2]
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