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Change log entry 26298
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-23 06:01:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25904 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 25477 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 興 兴 [xing4] /interest/
# + 興 兴 [xing4] /interest/mud2do/excitmnt
+ 興 兴 [xing4] /feeling or desire to do sth/interest in sth/excitement/
- 興 兴 [xing1] /flourish/it is the fashion to/to become popular/
# + 興 兴 [xing1] /flourish/it is the fashion to/to become popular/promot/start/getup/alow/praps
+ 興 兴 [xing1] /to rise/to flourish/to become popular/to start/to encourage/to get up/(often used in the negative) to permit or allow (topolect)/maybe (topolect)/
+ 興 兴 [Xing1] /surname Xing/
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