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Change log entry 2624
Processed by: miles (2008-02-17 09:43:23 GMT)
- 四世同堂 四世同堂 [si4 shi4 tong2 tang2] /Four generations under one roof, novel by twentieth century Lao She 老舍/
+ 四世同堂 四世同堂 [si4 shi4 tong2 tang2] /Four generations under one roof, novel by 20th century Lao She 老舍/
- 普魯東主義 普鲁东主义 [Pu3 lu3 dong1 zhu3 yi4] /Proudhonism, a 19th century socialist theory/
+ 普魯東主義 普鲁东主义 [Pu3 lu3 dong1 zhu3 yi4] /Proudhonism, 19th century socialist theory/
- 隋末 隋末 [Sui2 mo4] /the last years of the Sui dynasty/the early seventh century AD/
+ 隋末 隋末 [Sui2 mo4] /last years of the Sui dynasty/early 7th century AD/
- 百年 百年 [bai3 nian2] /a hundred years/a century/lifetime/
+ 百年 百年 [bai3 nian2] /hundred years/century/lifetime/
- 三國 三国 [San1 guo2] /Three Kingdoms period following the break-up of the Han (220-280 AD)/several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from first century AD to unification under Silla 新羅|新罗 in 658 AD/
+ 三國 三国 [San1 guo2] /Three Kingdoms period following the break-up of the Han (220-280 AD)/several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Silla 新羅|新罗 in 658 AD/
- 汉末魏初 漢末魏初 [Han4 mo4 Wei4 chu1] /late Han and early Wei (corr. roughly to first half of third century AD)/
+ 汉末魏初 漢末魏初 [Han4 mo4 Wei4 chu1] /late Han and early Wei (roughly, first half of 3rd century AD)/
- 藺相如 蔺相如 [Lin4 Xiang1 ru2] /Ling Xiangru (dates unknown, third century BC), famous statesman of Zhao 趙國|赵国/
+ 藺相如 蔺相如 [Lin4 Xiang1 ru2] /Ling Xiangru (dates unknown, 3rd century BC), famous statesman of Zhao 趙國|赵国/
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