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Change log entry 2622
Processed by: miles (2008-02-17 09:17:34 GMT)
- 暖壺 暖壶 [nuan3 hu2] /(n) thermos bottle/
+ 暖壺 暖壶 [nuan3 hu2] /vacuum flask/thermos flask/
- 校徽 校徽 [xiao4 hui1] /(n) school badge/
+ 校徽 校徽 [xiao4 hui1] /school badge/college insignia/university crest/
+ 徽調 徽调 [Hui1 diao4] /Anhui opera/
+ 徽號 徽号 [hui1 hao4] /title of honour/term of respect/
+ 活菩薩 活菩萨 [huo2 pu2 sa4] /a living Buddha/fig. compassionate person/saint/
- 大禹 大禹 [da4 yu3] /Yu the Great (c. 21st Cent. BC) mythical leader who tamed the floods/
+ 大禹 大禹 [da4 yu3] /Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC) mythical leader who tamed the floods/
+ 綜觀 综观 [zong1 guan1] /comprehensive survey/
+ 管風琴 管风琴 [guan3 feng1 qin2] /organ/pipe organ/
+ 簧風琴 簧风琴 [huang2 feng1 qin2] /harmonium/
+ 轉紐 转纽 [zhuan4 niu3] /organ stop (button activating a row of pipes)/
+ 音拴 音拴 [yin1 shuan1] /organ stop (button activating a row of pipes)/
+ 手搖風琴 手摇风琴 [shou3 yao2 feng1 qin2] /hand organ/hurdy-gurdy/
+ 音管 音管 [yin1 guan3] /pipe (of organ)/
+ 整聲 整声 [zheng3 sheng1] /to tune (a musical instrument)/to regulate the sound/
+ 震音 震音 [zhen4 yin1] /tremolo/
+ 鬼子 鬼子 [gui3 zi5] /devils/refers to 日本鬼子, wartime term insult for Japanese/
+ 轉圈 转圈 [zhuan4 quan1] /rotation/encircling/to rotate/to twirl/to run around/
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