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Change log entry 26207
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-22 08:48:26 GMT)
Comment: adding pinyin
- 六神 六神 [liu4 shen2] /six vital organs ruled by six Daoist deities: heart 心, lungs 肺, liver 肝, kidneys 腎|肾, spleen 脾, gall bladder 膽|胆/
+ 六神 六神 [liu4 shen2] /six vital organs of the body ruled by the six Daoist deities: heart 心[xin1], lungs 肺[fei4], liver 肝[gan1], kidneys 腎|肾[shen4], spleen 脾[pi2] and gall bladder 膽|胆[dan3]/
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