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Change log entry 2620
Processed by: miles (2008-02-17 09:16:43 GMT)
- 刁藩都 刁藩都 [Diao1 fan1 dou1] /Diophantus of Alexandria (3rd Century AD), Greek mathematician/
+ 刁藩都 刁藩都 [Diao1 fan1 dou1] /Diophantus of Alexandria (3rd century AD), Greek mathematician/
- 明末清初 明末清初 [Ming2 mo4 Qing1 chu1] /late Ming and early Qing/around the middle of the 17th Century/
+ 明末清初 明末清初 [Ming2 mo4 Qing1 chu1] /late Ming and early Qing/around the middle of the 17th century/
- 元末明初 元末明初 [Yuan2 mo4 chu1 ming2] /late Yuan and early Ming/mid 14th Century/
+ 元末明初 元末明初 [Yuan2 mo4 chu1 ming2] /late Yuan and early Ming/mid 14th century/
- 商 商 [Shang1] /the Shang dynasty, 16th to 11th Century BC/
+ 商 商 [Shang1] /the Shang dynasty, 16th to 11th century BC/
- 明末 明末 [Ming2 mo4] /late Ming/first half of the 17th Century/
+ 明末 明末 [Ming2 mo4] /late Ming/first half of the 17th century/
- 下西洋 下西洋 [xia4 xi1 yang2] /to sail West (from China)/refers to Zhenghe's 15th Century expeditions to the Western Pacific/
+ 下西洋 下西洋 [xia4 xi1 yang2] /to sail West (from China)/refers to Zhenghe's 15th century expeditions to the Western Pacific/
- 二十世紀 二十世纪 [er4 shi2 shi4 ji4] /20th Century/
+ 二十世紀 二十世纪 [er4 shi2 shi4 ji4] /20th century/
- 諸侯 诸侯 [zhu1 hou2] /feudal vassal/feudal princes, esp. the monarchs (dukes or princes) of the several vassal states 諸侯國|诸侯国 of Zhou during Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn periods 11th-5th Century BC/subordinate warlord/
+ 諸侯 诸侯 [zhu1 hou2] /feudal vassal/feudal princes, esp. the monarchs (dukes or princes) of the several vassal states 諸侯國|诸侯国 of Zhou during Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn periods 11th-5th century BC/subordinate warlord/
- 國語 国语 [guo2 yu3] /Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primary or secondary school subject/Chinese in the context of the Nationalist Government/Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th Century BC/
+ 國語 国语 [guo2 yu3] /Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primary or secondary school subject/Chinese in the context of the Nationalist Government/Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th century BC/
- 元末 元末 [Yuan2 mo4] /final years of Yuan dynasty (1279-1368 AD)/mid 14th Century/
+ 元末 元末 [Yuan2 mo4] /final years of Yuan dynasty (1279-1368 AD)/mid 14th century/
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