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Change log entry 2618
Processed by: miles (2008-02-16 17:52:49 GMT)
+ 縱梁 纵梁 [zong4 liang2] /longitudinal beam/
+ 縱裂 纵裂 [zong4 lie4] /lobe/longitudinal slit/vertical fracture/
+ 縱令 纵令 [zong4 ling4] /to indulge/to give free rein/even if/
+ 縱論 纵论 [zong4 lun4] /to talk freely/
+ 縱目 纵目 [zong4 mu4] /as far as the eye can see/
+ 極目遠望 极目远望 [ji2 mu4 yuan3 wang4] /as far as the eye can see/
+ 縱剖面 纵剖面 [zong4 pou1 mian4] /vertical section/longitudinal section/
+ 縱容 纵容 [zong4 rong2] /to indulge/to connive at/
+ 縱身 纵身 [zong4 shen1] /to jump/to leap/
+ 縱深 纵深 [zong4 shen1] /in depth (of the battle)/
+ 縱聲 纵声 [zong4 sheng1] /loudly/in a loud voice/
+ 縱使 纵使 [zong4 shi3] /even if/even though/
+ 縱談 纵谈 [zong4 tan2] /to talk freely/
+ 縱紋 纵纹 [zong4 wen2] /stria longitudinalis (in the brain)/
+ 縱言 纵言 [zong4 yan2] /to theorize generally/
+ 縱意 纵意 [zong4 yi4] /wilfully/wantonly/
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