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Change log entry 2617
Processed by: miles (2008-02-16 17:52:27 GMT)
- 縱 纵 [zong4] /even if/release/
- 縱 纵 [zong1] /warp (the vertical threads in weaving)/vertical/
+ 縱 纵 [zong4] /warp (the vertical threads in weaving)/vertical/longitudinal/north-south (lines of longitude)/lengthwise/to release/to indulge/even if/
- 縱座標 纵坐标 [zong1 zuo4 biao1] /vertical coordinate/ordinate/
+ 縱座標 纵坐标 [zong4 zuo4 biao1] /vertical coordinate/ordinate/
- 縱向 纵向 [zong1 xiang4] /longitudinal/
+ 縱向 纵向 [zong4 xiang4] /longitudinal/
- 失縱 失纵 [shi1 zong1] /disappear/
+ 失縱 失纵 [shi1 zong4] /disappear/
- 縱線 纵线 [zong1 xian4] /vertical line/vertical coordinate line/
+ 縱線 纵线 [zong4 xian4] /vertical line/vertical coordinate line/
- 縱貫 纵贯 [zong1 guan4] /lit. warp string in weaving; fig. vertical or north-south lines/to pass through/to cross lengthwise/to pierce (esp. north-south or top-to-bottom)/
+ 縱貫 纵贯 [zong4 guan4] /lit. warp string in weaving; fig. vertical or north-south lines/to pass through/to cross lengthwise/to pierce (esp. north-south or top-to-bottom)/
- 鱒 鳟 [zun1] /barbel/
+ 鱒 鳟 [zun1] /trout/barbel/Taiwan pr. zun4/
+ 縱步 纵步 [zong4 bu4] /to stride/to bound/
+ 縱斷面 纵断面 [zong4 duan4 mian4] /vertical section/longitudinal section/
+ 縱隊 纵队 [zong4 dui4] /column/file/
+ 縱隔 纵隔 [zong4 ge2] /mediastinum (organs and tissues in the thorax between the lungs)/
+ 縱橫馳騁 纵横驰骋 [zong4 heng2 chi2 cheng3] /to criss-cross/to run unhindered across the whole country/
+ 縱橫交錯 纵横交错 [zong4 heng2 jiao1 cuo4] /criss-crossed (成语 saw)/
+ 縱虎歸山 纵虎归山 [zong4 hu3 gui1 shan1] /lit. to let the tiger return to the mountain; fig. to store up future calamities/
+ 縱酒 纵酒 [zong4 jiu3] /to drink excessively/
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