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Change log entry 2614
Processed by: mdbg (2008-02-16 15:46:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 2855 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
9th batch of corrections (mainly of pinyin transcription) arising from comparison of CEDICT with Dr Eye dictionary. More to come.
- 劊子手 刽子手 [gui4 zi5 shou3] /executioner/hangman/fig. indiscriminate murderer/
+ 劊子手 刽子手 [gui4 zi5 shou3] /executioner/headsman/slaughterer/fig. indiscriminate murderer/
- 嘶啞 嘶哑 [si1 ya1] /(onomat.) a coarse crowing sound/
+ 嘶啞 嘶哑 [si1 ya3] /(onomat.) a coarse crowing sound/hoarse/husky/
- 彈夾 弹夹 [dan4 jia1] /cartridge clip/
+ 彈夾 弹夹 [dan4 jia2] /cartridge clip/magazine (of an automatic firearm)/
- 影子內閣 影子内阁 [ying3 zi3 nei4 ge2] /shadow cabinet/
+ 影子內閣 影子内阁 [ying3 zi5 nei4 ge2] /shadow cabinet/
- 摩托車 摩托车 [mo2 tuo1 che1] /motorcycle/
- 摩托車 摩托车 [mo2 tuo2 che1] /Motorbike/Motorbicycle/
+ 摩托車 摩托车 [mo2 tuo1 che1] /motorbike/motorcycle/
- 撐竿跳 撑竿跳 [cheng1 gan3 tiao4] /pole-vaulting/
- 撐竿跳 撑竿跳 [cheng1 gan1 tiao2] /vault/
+ 撐竿跳 撑竿跳 [cheng1 gan1 tiao4] /pole-vaulting/also written 撐杆跳|撑杆跳/
+ 撐杆跳 撑杆跳 [cheng1 gan1 tiao4] /pole-vaulting/
- 播弄 播弄 [bo1 nong4] /order subject about/stir up/
+ 播弄 播弄 [bo1 nong5] /to order somebody about/to stir up/to sow discord/
# DeFrancis-ABC and www.dict.cn say "nong5"; others agree with CEDICT's "nong4"
- 模板 模板 [mo2 ban3] /template/
+ 模板 模板 [mu2 ban3] /template/(architecture) formwork/
- 模樣 模样 [mo2 yang4] /appearance/
# 模樣 [mu2 yang4] (correct pinyin) is already in CEDICT
- 瞌睡 瞌睡 [ke4 shui4] /to doze off/to fall asleep/
+ 瞌睡 瞌睡 [ke1 shui4] /to doze off/to fall asleep/nap/
- 碾坊 碾坊 [nian3 fang1] /grain mill/
+ 碾坊 碾坊 [nian3 fang2] /grain mill/
- 緝捕 缉捕 [qi1 bu3] /to seize/to apprehend/an arrest/
+ 緝捕 缉捕 [ji1 bu3] /to seize/to apprehend/an arrest/
- 線軸 线轴 [xian4 zhou4] /thread spool/
+ 線軸 线轴 [xian4 zhou2] /thread spool/
# MDBG: I don't think this is correct
# - 蝸牛 蜗牛 [wo1 niu2] /snail/
# + 蝸牛 蜗牛 [gua1 niu2] /snail/
- 衝撞 冲撞 [chong1 chuang2] /to dash against/to batter/
+ 衝撞 冲撞 [chong1 zhuang4] /to collide/jerking motion/to impinge/to offend/to provoke/
# MDBG: my sources all indicate he4 mei2
# - 褐煤 褐煤 [he4 mei2] /lignite/brown coal/
# + 褐煤 褐煤 [he2 mei2] /lignite/brown coal/
- 請柬 请柬 [qing3 jian3] /(n) invitation card; written invitation/
+ 請柬 请柬 [qing3 jian3] /invitation card/written invitation/
- 調子 调子 [diao4 zi3] /tune/
+ 調子 调子 [diao4 zi5] /tune/melody/tuning/cadence/intonation/(speech) tone/
# Also, "tune" in the figurative sense:
# 这是他现在的说法,但你会发现他的调子已发生变化。
# That's what he says now, but you'll find he's changed his tune.
- 調味料 调味料 [diao4 wei4 liao4] /seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressing/essences/
+ 調味料 调味料 [tiao2 wei4 liao4] /seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressing/essences/
# At least one reference agrees with CEDICT's "diao4" though
- 賜與 赐与 [ci2 yu3] /to grant/to bestow/also written 賜與|赐予/
- 賜予 赐予 [ci2 yu3] /to grant/to bestow/
+ 賜與 赐与 [ci4 yu3] /to grant/to bestow/variant of 賜予|赐予/
+ 賜予 赐予 [ci4 yu3] /to grant/to bestow/
- 踐約 践约 [jian4 yue4] /to keep an promise/to keep an appointment/to honor an agreement/to practise economy/
+ 踐約 践约 [jian4 yue1] /to keep an promise/to keep an appointment/to honor an agreement/to practise economy/
+ 改日 改日 [gai3 ri4] /another day/some other day/
- 齒輪 齿轮 [chi3 lun1] /(machine) gear/pinion (gear wheel)/
+ 齒輪 齿轮 [chi3 lun2] /(machine) gear/pinion (gear wheel)/
# MDBG: perhaps jin3 liang4 is also correct, but all my resources point to: jin4 liang4
# - 儘量 儘量 [jin4 liang4] /variant of 盡量|尽量, as much as possible/to the greatest extent/
# + 儘量 儘量 [jin3 liang4] /variant of 盡量|尽量, as much as possible/to the greatest extent/
- 燕麥 燕麦 [yan1 mai4] /oat/
+ 燕麥 燕麦 [yan4 mai4] /oat/
- 篦子 篦子 [bi4 zi3] /a double-edged fine-toothed comb/
+ 篦子 篦子 [bi4 zi5] /a double-edged fine-toothed comb/
- 親王 亲王 [qin1 wang4] /prince/
+ 親王 亲王 [qin1 wang2] /prince/
- 輻射劑量 辐射剂量 [fu2 she4 ji4 liang2] /radiation dose/
+ 輻射劑量 辐射剂量 [fu2 she4 ji4 liang4] /radiation dose/
- 遺骨 遗骨 [yi2 gu2] /(dead) human remains/
+ 遺骨 遗骨 [yi2 gu3] /(dead) human remains/
By MDBG 2024
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