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Change log entry 26048
Processed by: ycandau (2010-01-19 19:26:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24169 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 3 / 3
Entries added over time to Xiaoma Cidian. Not completely sure about the fantizi.
Editor : changed some of the defs
+ 林木 林木 [lin2 mu4] /forest/forest tree/
+ 刀具 刀具 [dao1 ju4] /cutting tool/
+ 雅間 雅间 [ya3 jian1] /private room (in a restaurant, bath house, etc)/
+ 有錢 有钱 [you3 quian2] /well off/wealthy/
+ 無庸 无庸 [wu2 yong1] /see 毋庸 |毋庸 [wu2 yong1]/
# Same as 毋庸|毋庸 (Wenlin and CC-CEDICT: "no need for")
# 毋庸 毋庸 [wu2 yong1] /need not/
# 貓糧 猫粮 [mao1 liang2] /cat food/
+ 瓦匠 瓦匠 [wa3 jiang5] /bricklayer/tiler/
+ 導報 导报 [dao3 bao4] /guide (used in newspaper names/
+ 老油條 老油条 [lao3 you2 tiao2] /old fox/slick customer/
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