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Change log entry 25652
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-09 00:24:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25546 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
doesn't have the second meaning I believe
- 打草驚蛇 打草惊蛇 [da3 cao3 jing1 she2] /lit. stomp the grass to scare the snake/to inadvertently alert an enemy/to punish sb as a warning to others (idiom)/
# + 打草驚蛇 打草惊蛇 [da3 cao3 jing1 she2] /lit. to beat the grass to scare the snake/to inadvertently alert an enemy (idiom)/
# just changed the verb following Yves' comment
+ 打草驚蛇 打草惊蛇 [da3 cao3 jing1 she2] /lit. beat the grass to scare the snake/to inadvertently alert an enemy/to punish sb as a warning to others (idiom)/
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