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Change log entry 25642
Processed by: ycandau (2010-01-08 22:45:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23975 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 1 / 2
+ 發給 发给 [fa1 gei3] /to issue/to grant/to distribute/
+ 畫幅 画幅 [hua4 fu2] /painting/picture/dimension of a painting/
+ 畫法 画法 [hua4 fa3] /painting technique/drawing method/
+ 樂句 乐句 [yue2 ju2] /musical phrase/
+ 種田 种田 [zhong4 tian2] /to farm/farming/
# 縣委 县委 [xian4 wei3] /county Party committee/
+ 耐磨 耐磨 [nai4 mo2] /wear resistant/
+ 如是 如是 [ru2 shi4] /thus/
+ 正電 正电 [zheng4 dian4] /positive charge (electricity)/
+ 爐頂 炉顶 [lu2 ding3] /furnace top/
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