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Change log entry 25441
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-04 01:12:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25487 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 衰 衰 [shuai1] /weak/feeble/decline/wane/
# + 衰 衰 [shuai1] /weak[en/feeble/slakof/decline/wane/
# Editor - it means to decline/wane/become weak or feeble - to slack off is slightly different. Not an adj. either
+ 衰 衰 [shuai1] /to decline/to wane/to become weak or feeble/
# Editor - cannot confirm additional definitions - I intend to resubmit this to the review queue as I cannot confirm this pronounciation - please be patient whilst the other editors review
# - 衰 衰 [cui1] /DECREASprogrsivly[SHu/typofcoars麻布的mourning garments 縗[old/rank等衰
# 衰 衰 [cui1] /mourning garments/
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