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Change log entry 25398
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-03 05:55:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25485 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
- 漂流 漂流 [piao1 liu2] /carried by the current/
+ 漂流 漂流 [piao1 liu2] /to float on the current/to drift along or about/rafting/
# common, but frowned upon
- 飄流 飘流 [piao1 liu2] /rafting/to float on the current/also written 漂流/
+ 飄流 飘流 [piao1 liu2] /rafting/to float on the current/also written 漂流|漂流[piao1 liu2]/
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