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Change log entry 25397
Processed by: ycandau (2010-01-03 05:54:01 GMT)
Comment: tried to do it right this time. Not helped by this mumble-jumble.
<< review queue entry 25475 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 宮 宫 [gong1] /palace/surname Gong/castration (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic scale/
# + 宮 宫 [gong1] /palace/paradis/templ[i/namz/publicbuildin/womb/surname Gong/castration (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic scale/
+ 宮 宫 [gong1] /palace/castration (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic scale/
+ 宮 宫 [Gong1] /surname Gong/
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