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Change log entry 25326
Processed by: ycandau (2010-01-02 19:01:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25436 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
needs family name for disambiguation with the Qin King
- 惠文王 惠文王 [Hui4 wen2 Wang2] /King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 298-266 BC/
+ 趙惠文王 赵惠文王 [Zhao4 Hui4 wen2 Wang2] /King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 298-266 BCE during the Warring States Period/
+ 秦惠文王 秦惠文王 [Qin2 Hui4 wen2 Wang2] /King Huiwen of Qin 秦國|秦国, ruled 338-211 BCE during the Warring States Period/
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