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Change log entry 25295
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-02 09:16:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25424 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor - please do not edit the definition to be replaced
# - 卬 卬 [ang2] /I (regional colloquial)/me/split!surname Ang/variant of 昂, to lift/to raise/to raise one's head/high/high spirits/soaring/expensive/
- 卬 卬 [ang2] /I (regional colloquial)/me/surname Ang/variant of 昂, to lift/to raise/to raise one's head/high/high spirits/soaring/expensive/
+ 卬 卬 [ang2] /I (regional colloquial)/me/variant of 昂, to lift/to raise/to raise one's head/high/high spirits/soaring/expensive/
+ 卬 卬 [Ang2] /surname Ang/
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