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Change log entry 25126
Processed by: miles (2010-01-01 02:45:15 GMT)
- 曾祖父 曾祖父 [zeng1 zu3 fu4] /father's father's father; paternal great-grandfather/
+ 曾祖父 曾祖父 [zeng1 zu3 fu4] /father's father's father/paternal great-grandfather/
- 疒 疒 [ni4] /sick, sickness; Kang Xi radical 140/
+ 疒 疒 [ni4] /sick/sickness/Kang Xi radical 140/
- 老奶奶 老奶奶 [lao3 nai3 nai5] /(informal) father's father's mother; paternal great-grandmother/
+ 老奶奶 老奶奶 [lao3 nai3 nai5] /(informal) father's father's mother/paternal great-grandmother/
- 潭 潭 [tan2] /deep pool/pond/pit; depression (topolect)/
+ 潭 潭 [tan2] /deep pool/pond/pit/depression (topolect)/
- 限制 限制 [xian4 zhi4] /to restrict; to limit; to confine/restriction/limit/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 限制 限制 [xian4 zhi4] /to restrict/to limit/to confine/restriction/limit/CL:個|个[ge4]/
- 蘇珊・波伊爾 苏珊・波伊尔 [su1 shan1 · bo1 yi1 er3] /Susan Boyle (1961-); a famous competitor in a UK reality TV competition/
+ 蘇珊・波伊爾 苏珊・波伊尔 [su1 shan1 · bo1 yi1 er3] /Susan Boyle (1961-), competitor in UK reality TV competition/
- 牝牡驪黃 牝牡骊黄 [pin4 mu3 li2 huang2] /a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (成语); don't judge by outward appearance/
+ 牝牡驪黃 牝牡骊黄 [pin4 mu3 li2 huang2] /a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance/
- 下方 下方 [xia4 fang1] /under; the underside; below; underneath/world of mortals; (of Gods) to descend to the world of mortals/
+ 下方 下方 [xia4 fang1] /underneath/below/the underside/world of mortals/to descend to the world of mortals (of Gods)/
- 蟈蟈 蝈蝈 [guo1 guo5] /katydid; long-horned grasshopper/
+ 蟈蟈 蝈蝈 [guo1 guo5] /katydid/long-horned grasshopper/
- 睇 睇 [di4] /to look down upon (Classical)/to see; to look at (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 看|看[kan4]/
+ 睇 睇 [di4] /to look down upon (classical)/to see/to look at (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 看|看[kan4]/
- 對消 对消 [dui4 xiao1] /in equilibrium; to cancel out (of opposite forces) (physics)/
+ 對消 对消 [dui4 xiao1] /in equilibrium/to cancel out (of opposite forces) (physics)/
- 酰 酰 [xian1] /acid radical; -acyl (chemistry)/
+ 酰 酰 [xian1] /acid radical/-acyl (chemistry)/
- 舅舅 舅舅 [jiu4 jiu5] /mother's brother; maternal uncle (informal)/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 舅舅 舅舅 [jiu4 jiu5] /mother's brother/maternal uncle (informal)/CL:個|个[ge4]/
- 麻俐 麻俐 [ma2 li5] /swift; agile; efficient; quick-witted (colloquial)/also written 麻利|麻利[ma2 li5]/
+ 麻俐 麻俐 [ma2 li5] /swift/agile/efficient/quick-witted (colloquial)/also written 麻利|麻利[ma2 li5]/
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