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Change log entry 25068
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-31 13:25:35 GMT)
Comment: "to have effect" is 奏效

<< review queue entry 25324 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
“今秋粮仅足免运,预备仓无粒米。一遇灾伤, 辄奏留他粮及劝富民借谷, 已应故事。”
- 奏 奏 [zou4] /present a memorial/to play (music)/
# 奏 奏 [zou4] /present a memorial/to play (music)/produce/achieve/ have effect/
+ 奏 奏 [zou4] /to present a memorial/to play (music)/to obtain/to achieve/
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