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Change log entry 25064
Processed by: miles (2009-12-31 10:35:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25318 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
seems to be asexual and can we avoid "private parts"? it makes me think of sniggering schoolboys looking up dirty words in a dictionary
- 陰部 阴部 [yin1 bu4] /vagina/private parts/
+ 陰部 阴部 [yin1 bu4] /genitalia/
+ 陰暗面 阴暗面 [yin1 an4 mian4] /the dark side (of society etc)/
- 陰 阴 [yin1] /overcast (weather)/cloudy/shady/Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/negative (electric.)/feminine/moon/implicit/hidden/pudenda/
+ 陰 阴 [yin1] /overcast (weather)/cloudy/shady/Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/negative (electric.)/feminine/moon/implicit/hidden/genitalia/
+ 陰錯陽差 阴错阳差 [yin1 cuo4 yang2 cha1] /an accident arising from many causes (idiom); a freak combination of factors/
+ 陰差陽錯 阴差阳错 [yin1 cha1 yang2 cuo4] /an accident arising from many causes (idiom); a freak combination of factors/
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