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Change log entry 25056
Processed by: miles (2009-12-31 09:11:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23133 - submitted by 'hongyauhwaih' >>
- 駕馭 驾驭 [jia4 yu4] /to control/to drive/
+ 駕馭 驾驭 [jia4 yu4] /to urge on (of horse)/to drive/to steer/to handle/to manage/to master/to dominate/
+ 駕御 驾御 [jia4 yu4] /variant of 駕馭|驾驭[jia4 yu4]/to urge on (of horse)/to drive/to steer/to handle/to manage/to master/to dominate/
+ 煗 煗 [nuan3] /variant of 暖, warm/
- 牦牛 牦牛 [mao2 niu2] /yak/
- 自命不凡 自命不凡 [zi4 ming4 bu4 fan2] /to consider onself all that/to think too much of oneself/
+ 自命不凡 自命不凡 [zi4 ming4 bu4 fan2] /to think too much of oneself/self-important/arrogant/
- 駕車 驾车 [jia4 che1] /drive a vehicle/
+ 駕車 驾车 [jia4 che1] /to drive a vehicle/
+ 駕艇 驾艇 [jia4 ting3] /to sail/to cruise/to pilot a ship/
+ 駕轅 驾辕 [jia4 yuan2] /to pull a carriage (of draft animal)/
- 行者 行者 [xing2 zhe3] /pedestrian, walker/itinerant monk/
+ 行者 行者 [xing2 zhe3] /pedestrian/walker/itinerant monk/
+ 駕雲 驾云 [jia4 yun2] /to ride the clouds/fig. self-satisfied/arrogant/
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