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Change log entry 25052
Processed by: miles (2009-12-31 08:23:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24790 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
# not a modern day place - see 夔州 below
# used for three different (mythical) individuals
- 夔 夔 [kui2] /one-legged monster/respectful/place name in Chongqing 重慶|重庆, on the north bank of the Changjiang/surname Kui/
+ 夔 夔 [Kui2] /one-legged mountain demon of Chinese mythology/Chinese mythical figure who invented music and dancing/Chinese rain god/surname Kui/
# ## Those mythical guys are personal names, so capital
+ 夔州 夔州 [Kui2 zhou1] /Kuizhou, ancient area of modern Fengjie county 奉節縣|奉节县[Feng4 jie2 xian2], Chongqing/
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