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Change log entry 25042
Processed by: richwarm (2009-12-31 05:45:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25154 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wiktionary defines "pixelated" as "of an image, having pixels that are large enough to be individually visible from a normal viewing distance" but I can't find "mosaiced" in any of my dictionaries. Wiktionary has "mosaicked" but the meaning given is "(photography) Formed from a mosaic of images" -- which does not seem to be quite the right word here.
- 有碼 有码 [you3 ma3] /mosaiced or censored (of video)/
+ 有碼 有码 [you3 ma3] /pixelated or censored (of video)/
- 無碼 无码 [wu2 ma3] /unmosaiced or uncensored (of video)/
+ 無碼 无码 [wu2 ma3] /unpixelated or uncensored (of video)/
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