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Change log entry 24771
Processed by: miles (2009-12-27 11:00:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22537 - submitted by 'hongyauhwaih' >>
- 竺 竺 [Zhu2] /surname Zhu/
+ 竺 竺 [Zhu2] /surname Zhu/abbr. for 天竺[Tian1​zhu2] India (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context)/Buddhism (archaic)/
+ 竺法 竺法 [Zhu2 fa3] /Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha, archaic)/Buddhist doctrine/
+ 竺乾 竺乾 [Zhu2 qian2] /Buddha (archaic)/Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha)/
- 佛經 佛经 [Fo2 jing1] /Buddhist texts/
+ 佛經 佛经 [Fo2 jing1] /Buddhist texts/scripture/
+ 竺書 竺书 [Zhu2 shu1] /Buddhist texts (archaic)/scripture/
+ 佛書 佛书 [Fo2 shu1] /Buddhist texts/scripture/
+ 竺教 竺教 [Zhu2 jiao4] /Buddhism (archaic)/
+ 竺學 竺学 [Zhu2 xue2] /Buddhist doctrine (archaic)/Buddhist studies/
+ 佛學 佛学 [Fo2 xue2] /Buddhist doctrine/Buddhist studies/
+ 竺可楨 竺可桢 [Zhu2 Ke3 zhen1] /Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974), Chinese metereologist and geologist/
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