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Change log entry 24587
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-25 18:23:51 GMT)
Comment: as an initial or final exclamatory particle, it should be written 啊.

<< review queue entry 24428 - submitted by 'hongyauhwaih' >>
可以舉個initial particle的例子么?
- 阿 阿 [a1] /initial particle/familiar prefix to name such as 阿扁 for Chen Shui-Bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3] or Dad 阿爹[a1 die1]/used as phonetic A in transliteration/abbr. for Afghanistan 阿富汗/
+ 阿 阿 [a1] /prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship terms etc to indicate familiarity/used in transliteration/abbr. for Afghanistan 阿富汗/also pr. a4/
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