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Change log entry 24526
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-24 00:27:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24411 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 24390 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# resubmitted due to length of entry
- 零 零 [ling2] /remnant/zero/
# 零 零 [ling2] /remnant/zero[sign/w/alil extra?/od/usd2introduc三個月零三天]fraction[l/part/withe+fal
+ 零 零 [ling2] /zero/nought/zero sign/fractional/fragmentary/odd (of numbers)/(placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/fraction/(in mathematics) remainder (after division)/extra/to wither and fall/to wither/
By MDBG 2024
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