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Change log entry 24449
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-22 09:46:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24833 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
+ 神勞形瘁 神劳形瘁 [shen2 lao2 xing2 cui4] /to look worn out and feel weary (idiom)/
+ 勿替敬典 勿替敬典 [wu4 ti4 jing4 dian3] /to continue to respect ancient canons (idiom)/
+ 言談林藪 言谈林薮 [yan2 tan2 lin2 sou3] /effusive in speech (idiom)/
+ 攬轡澄清 揽辔澄清 [lan3 pei4 cheng2 qing1] /lit. to seize the reins and quell disorder/to act quickly and decisively (idiom)/
+ 刻骨相思 刻骨相思 [ke4 gu3 xiang1 si1] /lit. one’s feelings carved into one’s bones/to care for sb very deeply (idiom)/
+ 匡扶社稷 匡扶社稷 [kuang1 fu2 she4 ji4] /to earnestly support one’s country (idiom)/
+ 從難從嚴 从难从严 [cong2 nan2 cong2 yan2] /to be arduous and strict (idiom)/
+ 荒煙蔓草 荒烟蔓草 [huang1 yan1 man4 cao3] /lit. abandoned by men and choked with weeds/desolate (idiom)/
+ 藍田種玉 蓝田种玉 [lan2 tian2 zhong4 yu4] /a marriage made in heaven (idiom)/
+ 朝山進香 朝山进香 [chao2 shan1 jin4 xiang1] /to go on a pilgrimage and offer incense (idiom)/
+ 思之心痛 思之心痛 [si1 zhi1 xin1 tong4] /a thought that causes heartache (idiom)/
+ 讓賢與能 让贤与能 [rang4 xian2 yu3 neng2] /to step aside and give a more worthy person a chance (idiom)/
+ 發奮有為 发奋有为 [fa1 fen4 you3 wei2] /to prove one’s worth through firm resolve (idiom)/
+ 俯首傾耳 俯首倾耳 [fu3 shou3 qing1 er3] /to bend one’s head and listen attentively (idiom)/
+ 樂在其中 乐在其中 [le4 zai4 qi2 zhong1] /to take pleasure in sth (idiom)/
+ 玉露如珠 玉露如珠 [yu4 lu4 ru2 zhu1] /jade dew like pearls (idiom)/
+ 口吐毒焰 口吐毒焰 [kou3 tu3 du2 yan4] /lit. a mouth spitting with poisonous flames/to speak angrily to sb (idiom)/
+ 以資證明 以资证明 [yi3 zi1 zheng4 ming2] /in support or witness hereof (idiom)/
+ 拱手旁觀 拱手旁观 [gong3 shou3 pang2 guan1] /to watch from the sidelines and do nothing (idiom)/
+ 惆悵若失 惆怅若失 [chou2 chang4 ruo4 shi1] /to feel despondent (idiom)/
+ 奇花異卉 奇花异卉 [qi2 hua1 yi4 hui4] /exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)/
# already in the review queue
# 中箭落馬 中箭落马 [zhong4 jian4 luo1 ma3] //
+ 討好賣乖 讨好卖乖 [tao3 hao3 mai4 guai1] /to curry favor by showing obeisance (idiom)/
+ 長夜難明 长夜难明 [chang2 ye4 nan2 ming2] /lit. many nights under a harsh moon/long years of oppression (idiom)/
+ 觸景傷情 触景伤情 [chu4 jing3 shang1 qing2] /circumstances that evoke mixed feelings (idiom)/
+ 清新自然 清新自然 [qing1 xin1 zi4 ran2] /as fresh and clean as nature (idiom)/
+ 款語移時 款语移时 [kuan3 yu3 yi2 shi2] /to talk slowly and in depth (idiom/
+ 悲歌當哭 悲歌当哭 [bei1 ge1 dang4 ku1] /to sing instead of weep (idiom)/
+ 壅穆不爭 壅穆不争 [yong1 mu4 bu4 zheng1] /to be reverent and non-contentious (idiom)/
+ 夕陽西下 夕阳西下 [xi1 yang2 xi1 xia4] /the sun sets in the west (idiom)/
+ 充飢止渴 充饥止渴 [chong1 ji1 zhi3 ke3] /to allay one’s hunger and slake one’s thirst (idiom)/
+ 拙於言詞 拙于言词 [zhuo1 yu2 yan2 ci2] /to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)/
+ 更有甚者 更有甚者 [geng4 you3 shen4 zhe3] /furthermore (idiom)/
+ 伏地挺身 伏地挺身 [fu2 di4 ting3 shen1] /pushup (exercise) idiom)/
+ 逞其口舌 逞其口舌 [cheng3 qi2 kou3 she2] /to boast of one’s quarrels to others (idiom)/
+ 歡容悅色 欢容悦色 [huan1 rong2 yue4 se4] /to look happy and contented (idiom)/
+ 不終天年 不终天年 [bu4 zhong1 tian1 nian2] /to die before one’s allotted lifespan has run its course (idiom)/
+ 行不顧言 行不顾言 [xing2 bu4 gu4 yan2] /to say one thing and do another (idiom)/
+ 夜行晝伏 夜行昼伏 [ye4 xing2 zhou4 fu2] /to travel at night and lie low by day (idiom)/
+ 洋場惡少 洋场恶少 [yang2 chang3 e4 shao4] /city infested with foreign adventurers (esp of Shanghai in pre-liberation China) (idiom)/
+ 隔靴搔癢 隔靴搔痒 [ge2 xue1 sao1 yang3] /to completely miss the main point of a topic or argument (idiom)/
+ 浴血苦戰 浴血苦战 [yu4 xue4 ku3 zhan4] /a blood soaked and hard-fought struggle (idiom)/
+ 展轉騰挪 展转腾挪 [zhan3 zhuan3 teng2 nuo2] /to triumph after much effort (idiom)/
+ 能弱能強 能弱能强 [neng2 ruo4 neng2 qiang2] /to be either weak or strong both have their purpose (idiom)/
+ 托足無門 托足无门 [tuo1 zu2 wu2 men2] /to be unable to find a place to stay (idiom)/
+ 人位相宜 人位相宜 [ren2 wei4 xiang1 yi2] /to be the right person for the job (idiom)/
+ 斤斤較量 斤斤较量 [jin1 jin1 jiao4 liang4] /to bicker at length over a trivial matter (idiom)/
+ 眼瞎耳聾 眼瞎耳聋 [yan3 xia1 er3 long2] /to be deaf and blind (idiom)/
+ 能寫善算 能写善算 [neng2 xie3 shan4 suan4] /to be literate and numerate (idiom)/
+ 百計千方 百计千方 [bai3 ji4 qian1 fang1] /to exhaust every means to achieve sth (idiom)/
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