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Change log entry 24435
Processed by: chad (2009-12-22 06:58:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24722 - submitted by 'chad' >>
In the traditional field, 症 is favored over 癥 based on two observations:
1) we currently already have 116 entries ending in zheng4, with 症|症 instead of 癥|症. There are only 14 with 癥|症, which are the ones represented here for changing.
2) Of those 116 entries, I looked at all the words with at least one other traditional character (so as to exclude identical simplified words) and compared 癥 vs 症. Google hits were generally 10x favoring 症. The only exception was 頑症, in which 頑癥 was more frequent. However, dictionaries are not consistent with this word, as some have only 頑症, and some only 頑癥.

Please note the change from 癥结 to 癥結, as it was an entry that was recently modified. I'm proposing the change based what exists in dictionaries, plus Google hits
= 症 症 [zheng4] /disease/illness/
+ 癥 症 [zheng4] /variant of 症|症[zheng4]/disease/illness/
= 癥 症 [zheng1] /abdominal tumor/
# Google hits favor 症 over 癥 by 10x
- 單核細胞增多癥 单核细胞增多症 [dan1 he2 xi4 bao1 zeng1 duo1 zheng4] /Mononucleosis/
+ 單核細胞增多症 单核细胞增多症 [dan1 he2 xi4 bao1 zeng1 duo1 zheng4] /mononucleosis/
- 夢遊癥 梦游症 [meng4 you2 zheng4] /somnabulism/sleep walking/
+ 夢遊症 梦游症 [meng4 you2 zheng4] /somnambulism/sleep walking/
- 失憶癥 失忆症 [shi1 yi4 zheng4] /amnesia/
= 失憶症 失忆症 [shi1 yi4 zheng4] /amnesia/
- 幽閉恐懼癥 幽闭恐惧症 [you1 bi4 kong3 ju4 zheng4] /claustrophobia/
= 幽閉恐懼症 幽闭恐惧症 [you1 bi4 kong3 ju4 zheng4] /claustrophobia/
- 廣場恐怖癥 广场恐怖症 [guang3 chang3 kong3 bu4 zheng4] /agoraphobia/
+ 廣場恐怖症 广场恐怖症 [guang3 chang3 kong3 bu4 zheng4] /agoraphobia/
- 恐怖癥 恐怖症 [kong3 bu4 zheng4] /phobia/
+ 恐怖症 恐怖症 [kong3 bu4 zheng4] /phobia/
- 晚期癌癥 晚期癌症 [wan3 qi1 ai2 zheng4] /terminal cancer/
+ 晚期癌症 晚期癌症 [wan3 qi1 ai2 zheng4] /terminal cancer/
- 減壓癥 减压症 [jian3 ya1 zheng4] /decompression sickness/the bends/also 減壓病|减压病[jian3 ya1 bing4]/
- 減壓症 减压症 [jian3 ya1 zheng4] /decompression sickness (diving)/
+ 減壓症 减压症 [jian3 ya1 zheng4] /decompression sickness/the bends/also 減壓病|减压病[jian3 ya1 bing4]/
- 癌癥 癌症 [ai2 zheng4] /cancer/
+ 癌症 癌症 [ai2 zheng4] /cancer/
- 精神分裂癥 精神分裂症 [jing1 shen2 fen1 lie4 zheng4] /schizophrenia (psych.)/
- 精神分裂症 精神分裂症 [jing1 shen2 fen1 lie4 zheng4] /schizophrenia/split personality/
+ 精神分裂症 精神分裂症 [jing1 shen2 fen1 lie4 zheng4] /schizophrenia/
- 腰椎間盤突出癥 腰椎间盘突出症 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1 zheng4] /herniated lumbar disc/
+ 腰椎間盤突出症 腰椎间盘突出症 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1 zheng4] /herniated lumbar disc/
- 自閉癥 自闭症 [zi4 bi4 zheng4] /autism/
= 自閉症 自闭症 [zi4 bi4 zheng4] /autism/
# combination of 偏执型 + 精神分裂症
- 偏執型精神分裂癥 偏执型精神分裂症 [pian1 zhi2 xing2 jing1 shen2 fen1 lie4 zheng4] /paranoid schizophrenia (psych.)/
# This one is different from the others. Google hits favor 癥, but oddly, only on *.cn pages with fantizi texts
= 頑症 顽症 [wan2 zheng4] /stubborn illness/disease that is difficult to treat/
# G-hits: 症結 (4000) 癥結 (44300) 癥结 (700); 症结 (440k)
- 癥结 症结 [zheng1 jie2] /hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine)/the crux/the main point in an argument/sticking point/deadlock in negotiations/
+ 癥結 症结 [zheng1 jie2] /hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine)/crux of an issue/main point in an argument/sticking point/deadlock in negotiations/
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