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Change log entry 24396
Processed by: miles (2009-12-21 16:00:58 GMT)
+ 荷蘭石竹 荷兰石竹 [He2 lan2 shi2 zhu2] /grenadine/carnation/clove pink/Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)/
- 麝香石竹 麝香石竹 [she4 xiang1 shi2 zhu2] /carnation or clove pink/Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)/
+ 麝香石竹 麝香石竹 [she4 xiang1 shi2 zhu2] /grenadine/carnation/clove pink/Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)/
+ 獅頭石竹 狮头石竹 [shi1 tou2 shi2 zhu2] /grenadine/carnation/clove pink/Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)/
+ 文庫 文库 [wen2 ku4] /collection of documents/library/book series/sequence of data, esp. genome/
+ 字書 字书 [zi4 shu1] /character book (i.e. school primer)/
+ 石竹目 石竹目 [shi2 zhu2 mu4] /Class Magnoliopsida (biology)/
- 石竹 石竹 [shi2 zhu2] /China pink/Dianthus chinensis (botany)/
+ 石竹 石竹 [shi2 zhu2] /China pink/Dianthus chinensis (botany)/
+ 植物界 植物界 [zhi2 wu4 jie4] /Kingdom Plantae (biology)/
- 史籀篇 史籀篇 [shi3 zhou4 pian1] /said to be a school primer for writing the great seal script 大篆/
+ 史籀篇 史籀篇 [Shi3 zhou4 pian1] /Shizhoupian, early school primer in great seal script 大篆[da4​zhuan4], attributed to King Xuan of Zhou 周宣王[Zhou1 Xuan1 wang2] but probably dating from c. 500 BC/
- 王國維 王国维 [Wang2 Guo2 wei2] /Wang Guowei/
+ 王國維 王国维 [Wang2 Guo2 wei2] /Wang Guowei (1877-1927), noted scholar/
- 拓 拓 [ta4] /make rubbing/
+ 拓 拓 [ta4] /to make a rubbing (e.g. of inscription)/
- 金文 金文 [jin1 wen2] /bell-cauldron inscription, bronze inscription/
+ 金文 金文 [jin1 wen2] /inscription in bronze/bell-cauldron inscription/
+ 洋甘菊 洋甘菊 [yang2 gan1 ju2] /Matricaria recutita/chamomile/
+ 拓本 拓本 [ta4 ben3] /rubbing of inscription/
+ 石鼓文 石鼓文 [shi2 gu3 wen2] /early form of Chinese characters inscribed in stone, a precursor of the small seal 小篆[xiao3​zhuan4]/
+ 周穆王 周穆王 [Zhou1 Mu4 Wang2] /King Mu, fifth king of Zhou, said to have lived to 105 and reigned 976-922 BC or 1001-947 BC, rich in associated mythology/
+ 承前啟後 承前启后 [cheng2 qian2 qi3 hou4] /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/
+ 承上起下 承上起下 [cheng2 shang4 qi3 xia4] /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/
+ 繼往開來 继往开来 [ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2] /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/
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