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Change log entry 24380
Processed by: richwarm (2009-12-20 18:52:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24075 - submitted by 'hongyauhwaih' >>
# incorrect
# 振聾發聵 振聋发聩 [zhen4 long2 fa1 kui4] /so loud that even the deaf can hear/deafeningly loud (idiom)/
+ 振聾發聵 振聋发聩 [zhen4 long2 fa1 kui4] /lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); rousing even the apathetic/
+ 發聾振聵 发聋振聩 [fa1 long2 zhen4 kui4] /lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); rousing even the apathetic/
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