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Change log entry 24379
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-20 18:29:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24168 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 2 / 3
Entries added over time to Xiaoma Cidian. Not completely sure about the fantizi.
+ 幫教 帮教 [bang1 jiao4] /to mentor/
+ 識字率 识字率 [shi2 zi4 lu:4] /literacy rate/
# 這點 这点 [zhe4 dian3] /this time/
+ 固定詞組 固定词组 [gu4 ding4 ci2 zu3] /set phrase/
# 昂德烈 昂德烈 [ang2 de2 lie4] /Andre (person name)/
# Other writing for Andre (安德烈[An1 de2 lie4])
# added 學
+ 社會語言學 社会语言学 [she4 hui4 yu3 yan2 xue2] /sociolinguistics/
+ 實受資本 实受资本 [shi2 shou5 zi1 ben3] /paid-up capital/
+ 膠合 胶合 [jiao1 he2] /to join with glue/
# construct, 內幕交易 already present
# 從事內幕交易 从事内幕交易 [cong1 shi4 nei4 mu4 jiao1 yi4] /insider dealing /
+ 救生圈 救生圈 [jiu4 sheng1 quan1] /lifebuoy/lifebelt/
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