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Change log entry 24329
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-19 14:37:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23969 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 1 / 3
+ 滑沙 滑沙 [hua2 sha1] /sandboarding/
+ 老掉牙 老掉牙 [lao3 diao4 ya2] /very old/obsolete/out of date/
+ 墨匣 墨匣 [mo4 xia2] /ink cartridge/
+ 坯料 坯料 [pi1 liao4] /semifinished materials/CL: 块[kuai4]/
# + 戰前 战前 [zhan4 qian2] /prewar/
+ 工友 工友 [gong1 you3] /workmate/
+ 立方根 立方根 [li4 fang1 gen1] /cubic root (math)/
+ 整地 整地 [zheng3 di4] /to prepare the soil (agriculture)/
+ 公務艙 公务舱 [gong1 wu4 cang1] /business class (airplane travel)/
+ 砂漿 砂浆 [sha1 jiang1] /mortar (building)/
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