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Change log entry 24321
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-12-19 09:58:33 GMT)
Comment: Conforming to guidelines: http://cc-cedict.org/wiki/format:syntax#variants
Thanks, richwarm!
- 笑窩 笑窝 [xiao4 wo1] /dimple/variant of 笑渦|笑涡[xiao4 wo1]/
+ 笑窩 笑窝 [xiao4 wo1] /dimple/also written as 笑渦|笑涡[xiao4 wo1]/
- 酒窩 酒窝 [jiu3 wo1] /dimple/variant of 酒渦|酒涡[jiu3 wo1]/
+ 酒窩 酒窝 [jiu3 wo1] /dimple/also written as 酒渦|酒涡[jiu3 wo1]/
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