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Change log entry 23521
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-10 06:56:39 GMT)
+ 千古遺恨 千古遗恨 [qian1 gu3 yi2 hen4] /to have eternal regrets (idiom)/
+ 恣意行樂 恣意行乐 [zi4 yi4 xing2 le4] /to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)/
+ 但願如此 但愿如此 [dan4 yuan4 ru2 ci3] /if only it were so/I hope so (idiom)/
+ 負荊請罪 负荆请罪 [fu4 jing1 qing3 zui4] /to offer sb a humble apology (idiom)/
+ 侯門似海 侯门似海 [hou2 men2 si4 hai3] /lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea/there is a wide gap between the nobility and the common people (idiom)/
+ 引以為傲 引以为傲 [yin3 yi3 wei2 ao4] /to be intensely proud of sth (idiom)/
+ 目光呆滯 目光呆滞 [mu4 guang1 dai1 zhi4] /to have a lifeless look in one’s eyes (idiom)/
+ 撒手閉眼 撒手闭眼 [sa1 shou3 bi4 yan3] /to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom)/
+ 蓄鬚明志 蓄须明志 [xu4 xu1 ming2 zhi4] /to be resolutely opposed to doing sth (idiom)/
+ 漏脯充飢 漏脯充饥 [lou4 fu3 chong1 ji1] /to bury one’s head in the sand (idiom)/
+ 官私合營 官私合营 [guan1 si1 he2 ying2] /public and private interests working together (idiom)/
+ 足以自慰 足以自慰 [zu2 yi3 zi4 wei4] /to have sufficient to console oneself (idiom)/
+ 厚死薄生 厚死薄生 [hou4 si3 bo2 sheng1] /lit. to praise the dead and revile the living/fig. to live in the past (idiom)/
+ 羌無故實 羌无故实 [qiang1 wu2 gu4 shi2] /to have no basis in fact (idiom)/
+ 汰舊換新 汰旧换新 [tai4 jiu4 huan4 xin1] /out with the old and in with the new (idiom)/
+ 事必有兆 事必有兆 [shi4 bi4 you3 zhao4] /future events always have an omen (idiom)/
+ 物各有主 物各有主 [wu4 ge4 you3 zhu3] /everything has a rightful owner (idiom)/
+ 羞愧難當 羞愧难当 [xiu1 kui4 nan2 dang1] /to feel ashamed (idiom)/
+ 容顏失色 容颜失色 [rong2 yan2 shi1 se4] /of pale or colorless complexion (idiom)/
+ 活血止痛 活血止痛 [huo2 xue4 zhi3 tong4] /to invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain (idiom)/
+ 盼既示覆 盼既示复 [pan4 ji4 shi4 fu4] /to long for a reply (idiom)/
+ 句句實話 句句实话 [ju4 ju4 shi2 hua4] /to speak honestly (idiom)/
+ 強忍悲痛 强忍悲痛 [qiang2 ren3 bei1 tong4] /to try hard to suppress one’s grief (idiom)/
+ 連踢帶打 连踢带打 [lian2 ti1 dai4 da3] /to kick and beat (idiom)/
+ 殺牛宰羊 杀牛宰羊 [sha1 niu2 zai3 yang2] /slaughter the cattle and butcher the sheep/to prepare a big feast (idiom)/
+ 眼饞肚飽 眼馋肚饱 [yan3 chan2 du4 bao3] /to have eyes bigger than one’s belly (idiom)/
+ 發揚踔厲 发扬踔厉 [fa1 yang2 chuo1 li4] /to be full of vigor (idiom)/
+ 狂奴故態 狂奴故态 [kuang2 nu2 gu4 tai4] /to be set in one’s ways (idiom)/
+ 以虛帶實 以虚带实 [yi3 xu1 dai4 shi2] /to let correct ideology guide practical work (idiom)/
+ 停酒止樂 停酒止乐 [ting2 jiu3 zhi3 yue4] /stop the wine and stop the music (idiom)/
+ 恩威兼施 恩威兼施 [en1 wei1 jian1 shi1] /to employ both kindness and severity (idiom)/
+ 堵剿匪徒 堵剿匪徒 [du3 jiao3 fei3 tu2] /to hinder and exterminate bandits (idiom)/
+ 知過改過 知过改过 [zhi1 guo4 gai3 guo4] /to acknowledge one’s faults and correct them (idiom)/
+ 同聲一哭 同声一哭 [tong2 sheng1 yi1 ku1] /to share one’s feeling of grief with others (idiom)/
+ 方臉突額 方脸突额 [fang1 lian3 tu1 e2] /to have a square face and a protruding forehead (idiom)/
+ 與日俱輝 与日俱辉 [yu3 ri4 ju4 hui1] /for as long as the sun continues to shine (idiom)/
+ 見難而上 见难而上 [jian4 nan2 er2 shang4] /to take the bull by the horns (idiom)/
+ 有枝有葉 有枝有叶 [you3 zhi1 you3 ye4] /to become bogged down in the details (idiom)/
+ 滿目琳琅 满目琳琅 [man3 mu4 lin2 lang2] /lit. to fill one’s eyes with glittering jewels/a literary masterpiece or sb of extraordinary talent (idiom)/
+ 努力以赴 努力以赴 [nu3 li4 yi3 fu4] /to use one’s best efforts to do sth (idiom)/
+ 慷慨輸將 慷慨输将 [kang1 kai3 shu1 jiang1] /to donate generously (idiom)/
+ 平走漫步 平走漫步 [ping2 zou3 man4 bu4] /to be flatfooted (idiom)/
+ 心安神閑 心安神闲 [xin1 an1 shen2 xian2] /with one’s heart at ease and one’s spirit at rest (idiom)/
+ 接連不斷 接连不断 [jie1 lian2 bu4 duan4] /in unbroken succession (idiom)/
+ 已作故人 已作故人 [yi3 zuo4 gu4 ren2] /lit. to have already written a testament for an old friend/an old friend has passed on (idiom)/
+ 敬若神明 敬若神明 [jing4 ruo4 shen2 ming2] /to hold sb in the same regard as one would a god (idiom)/
+ 縷息僅存 缕息仅存 [lu:3 xi1 jin3 cun2] /one’s life hangs by a thread (idiom)/
+ 一望無垠 一望无垠 [yi1 wang4 wu2 yin2] /to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)/
+ 咎有應得 咎有应得 [jiu4 you3 ying1 de2] /to deserve the blame for sth (idiom)/
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