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Change log entry 21187
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-14 00:27:19 GMT)
+ 落落寡交 落落寡交 [luo4 luo4 gua3 jiao1] /aloof and as a result friendless (idiom)/
+ 苟延殘喘 苟延残喘 [gou3 yan2 can2 chuan3] /to struggle on whilst at death’s door (idiom)/
+ 萬古千秋 万古千秋 [wan4 gu3 qian1 qiu1] /for all eternity (idiom)/
+ 直言無諱 直言无讳 [zhi2 yan2 wu2 hui4] /to speak one’s mind/to speak candidly (idiom)/
+ 金盤玉食 金盘玉食 [jin1 pan2 yu4 shi2] /lit. gold dish, jade food/epicurean food/
+ 置之不問 置之不问 [zhi4 zhi1 bu4 wen4] /to pass by without showing interest (idiom)/
+ 撇開不談 撇开不谈 [pie1 kai1 bu4 tan2] /to ignore an issue (idiom)/
+ 通天徹地 通天彻地 [tong1 tian1 che4 di4] /to know all under heaven/exceptionally talented (idiom)/
+ 近朱近墨 近朱近墨 [jin4 zhu1 jin4 mo4] /one is judged by the company one keeps (idiom)/
+ 長生久視 长生久视 [chang2 sheng1 jiu3 shi4] /to grow old with unfailing eyes and ears (idiom)/
+ 抑鬱不平 抑郁不平 [yi4 yu4 bu4 ping2] /in a state of depression (idiom)/
+ 凌亂不堪 凌乱不堪 [ling2 luan4 bu4 kan1] /in a terrible mess (idiom)/
+ 聽信謠言 听信谣言 [ting1 xin4 yao2 yan2] /to take heed of idle chatter (idiom)/
+ 股栗膚粟 股栗肤粟 [gu3 li4 fu1 su4] /with shuddering thighs and skin like gooseflesh (idiom)/
+ 據情辦理 据情办理 [ju4 qing2 ban4 li3] /to handle a situation according to the circumstances (idiom)/
+ 逐次近似 逐次近似 [zhu2 ci4 jin4 si4] /successive approximate values (idiom)/
+ 局促一隅 局促一隅 [ju2 cu4 yi1 yu2] /to be cramped in a corner (idiom)/
+ 私謀叛國 私谋叛国 [si1 mou2 pan4 guo2] /to secretly plan treason (idiom)/
+ 厲目而視 厉目而视 [li4 mu4 er2 shi4] /to cut sb a severe look (idiom)/
+ 屢遭不測 屡遭不测 [lu:3 zao1 bu4 ce4] /beset by a series of mishaps (idiom)/
+ 把持不定 把持不定 [ba3 chi2 bu4 ding4] /indecisive (idiom)/
+ 聯產到勞 联产到劳 [lian2 chan3 dao4 lao2] /to pay sb according to their productivity/
+ 恭賀佳節 恭贺佳节 [gong1 he4 jia1 jie2] /seasons greetings (idiom)/
+ 群英畢集 群英毕集 [qun2 ying1 bi4 ji2] /all the heroes assembled (idiom)/
+ 秀髮垂肩 秀发垂肩 [xiu4 fa4 chui2 jian1] /beautiful shoulder length hair (idiom)/
+ 坐視無睹 坐视无睹 [zuo4 shi4 wu2 du3] /to turn a blind eye to/
+ 志在四方 志在四方 [zhi4 zai4 si4 fang1] /aspire to travel far and make one’s mark (idiom)/
+ 百事俱廢 百事俱废 [bai3 shi4 ju4 fei4] /to go to pot (idiom)/
+ 黄鐘譭棄瓦釜雷鳴 黄钟毀弃瓦釜雷鸣 [huang2 zhong1 hui3 qi4 wa3 fu3 lei2 ming2] /lit. earthern pots make more noise than classical bells/good men are discarded in favor of bombastic ones (idiom)/
+ 斬而不奏 斩而不奏 [zhan3 er2 bu4 zou4] /to do sth and not report the fact (idiom)/
+ 各顯所長 各显所长 [ge4 xian3 suo3 chang2] /strong points are obvious in each of us(idiom)/
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