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Change log entry 1654
Processed by: miles (2007-10-23 19:24:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 1857 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
- 印第安 印第安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(American) Indian/
+ 印第安 印第安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas/
+ 派頭十足 派头十足 [pai4 tou2 shi2 zu2] /exuberant manner/
- 舉止 举止 [ju3 zhi3] /(n) bearing/manner/mein/
+ 舉止 举止 [ju3 zhi3] /bearing/manner/mien/
- 派系 派系 [pai4 xi4] /sect/
+ 派系 派系 [pai4 xi4] /sect/faction/
+ 派性 派性 [pai4 xing4] /factionalism/tribalism/
+ 習氣 习气 [xi2 qi4] /habit (often unhealthy)/mannerism/
+ 鄉下習氣 乡下习气 [xiang1 xia4 xi2 qi4] /country mannerism/provincialism/
+ 廣告條幅 广告条幅 [guang3 gao4 tiao2 fu2] /banner advertisement/
- 準則 准则 [zhun3 ze2] /(n) standard or norm/
+ 準則 准则 [zhun3 ze2] /norm/standard/criterion/
+ 社群 社群 [she4 qun2] /community/social grouping/
- 社團 社团 [she4 tuan2] /club/society/
+ 社團 社团 [she4 tuan2] /mass organization (e.g. trade union)/union/society/
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