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設計程式 设计程式 [she4 ji4 cheng2 shi4] /programming/ - 性別 性别 [xing4 bie2] /distinguishing between the sexes/ 性別 性别 [xing4 bie2] /gender/sex/distinguishing between the sexes/ 住址 住址 [zhu4 zhi3] /address/ 事由 事由 [shi4 you2] /purpose/subject (of a business letter)/job/work/ 崒 崒 [cui4] /jagged mountain peaks (poetic)/rocky peaks/lofty and dangerous/ 祆 祆 [Xian1] /Ormazda, the Sun God of the Zoroastrians and Manicheans/the Sun God/ 祆教 祆教 [Xian1] /Zoroastrianism/Sun worship/ 摩尼教 摩尼教 [Mo2 ni2 jiao4] /Manicheanism/ 摩尼 摩尼 [Mo2 ni2] /Manes (3rd century A.D.), Persian prophet and founder of Manichaeism/ 噴漆推進 喷漆推进 [pen1 qi4 tui1 jin4] /jet propulsion/ 噴漆 喷漆 [pen1 qi4] /a jet (of liquid or air)/ 融冰 融冰 [rong2 bing1] /ice melting/ 央視 央视 [yang1 shi4] /CCTV, the PRC state TV network, abbr. for T:中央電視|S:中央电视/ 科幻 科幻 [ke1 huan4] /science fiction/ 冷凍 冷冻 [leng3 dong4] /to freeze/to deep-freeze/ 怡然 怡然 [yi2 ran2] /happy/joyful/ 怡悅 怡悦 [yi2 yue4] /pleasant/happy/ 蒲松齡 蒲松龄 [Pu2 song1 ling2] /Pu Songling (1640~1715), author of Strange tales from a Chinese studio T:聊齋志異|S:聊斋志异/ 聊齋志異 聊斋志异 [Liao4 zhai1 zhi4 yi4] /Supernatural tales from a verbose studio/Strange tales from a Chinese studio, Qing dynasty book of tales of the supernatural by Pu Songling/ 亨祚 亨祚 [heng1 zuo4] /to prosper/to flourish/ 貪官 贪官 [tan1 guan1] /a grasping official/a greedy mandarin/ 污吏 污吏 [wu1 li4] /a corrupt official/ 頹靡 颓靡 [tui2 mi2] /devastated/ 廣袤 广袤 [guang3 mao4] /vast/ 贊丹 赞丹 [Zan4 dan1] /Zaandam (town in Netherlands)/ 薩哈洛夫 萨哈洛夫 [Sa4 ha1 luo4 fu1] /Sakharov (Russian name)/ 正教 正教 [zheng4 jiao4] /orthodox Christianity/ 拜占庭 拜占庭 [Bai4 zhan1 ting2] /Byzantium/ 伊凡 伊凡 [Yi1 fan2] /Ivan (Russian name)/ 愷撒 恺撒 [Kai3 sa3] /Caesar (emperor)/ 涅瓦河 涅瓦河 [Nie4 wa3 he2] /the Nyeva or Neva river (through St Petersburg)/ 涅瓦 涅瓦 [Nie4 wa3] /the Nyeva or Neva river (through St Petersburg)/ - 烏拉爾 乌拉尔 [wu1 la1 er3] /Ural (area in Russia)/ 烏拉爾山 乌拉尔山 [Wu1 la1 er3 shan1] /the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia/ 烏拉爾 乌拉尔 [Wu1 la1 er3] /the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia/ 聖彼得堡 圣彼得堡 [Sheng4 bi3 de2 bao3] /Saint Petersburg/ 詞組 词组 [ci2 zu3] /phrase (grammar)/ - 興隆 兴隆 [Xing1 long2] /(N) Xinglong (place in Hebei)/ 興隆 兴隆 [xing1 long2] /to prosper/(N) Xinglong (place in Hebei)/ 倭寇 倭寇 [wo1 kou4] /Japanese piracy (in 16th and 17th Cent.)/ 女真 女真 [nu:3 zhen1] /Nuzhen or Jurchen, a Tungus nationality, who founded the Jin 金 dynasty, and were the predecessor of the Manchu nationality/ 自縊 自缢 [zi4 yi4] /to hang oneself/ 胸襟 胸襟 [xiong1 jin1] /lapel of jacket/heart/aspiration/vision/ 膽略 胆略 [dan3 lu:e4] /courage and resource/ 朱元璋 朱元璋 [Zhu1 Yuan2 zhang1] /Zhu Yuanzhang (1328-1398), personal name of the first Ming emperor Hongwu/ 奴兒干都司 奴儿干都司 [Nu2 er2 gan1 du1 shi1] /the Ming dynasty provincial headquarters in the Heilongjiang and Vladivostok area/ 奴兒干 奴儿干 [Nu2 er2 gan1] /part of Heilongjiang and the Vladivostok area ruled by the Ming dynasty/ 明孝陵 明孝陵 [Ming2 xiao4 ling2] /the Ming tombs in Nanjing, a World Hertage site/ 治隆唐宋 治隆唐宋 [zhi4 long2 tang2 song4] /"Ruled better that Tang and Song"/Qing Emperor Kangxi's memorial tribute to the first Ming emperor Hongwu 洪武/ 吆喝 吆喝 [yao1 he5] /to call out/cry one's wares/loudly urge on (an animal)/ 好歹 好歹 [hao3 dai3] /good and bad/most unfortunate occurence/in any case/whatever/ 預試 预试 [yu4 shi4] /pre-test/ - 練習 练习 [lian4 xi2] /exercise/drill/ 練習 练习 [lian4 xi2] /exercise/drill/practice/ - 領導 领导 [ling3 dao3] /lead/leading/to lead/leadership/ 領導 领导 [ling3 dao3] /lead/leading/to lead/leadership/leader/ 吉利 吉利 [ji2 li4] /auspicious/lucky/propitious/ 琁 琁 [xuan2] /beautiful jade/star/ 戀戀不捨 恋恋不舍 [lian4 lian4 bu4 she3] /be reluctant to part/ 飛揚 飞扬 [fei1 yang2] /to rise/ 積蓄 积蓄 [ji1 xu4] /to save/to put aside/savings/ - 青出於藍而於藍藍 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 [qing1 chu1 yu2 lan2 er2 sheng4 yu2 lan2] /proverb: the student becomes superior to the master/lit.: green is born of blue, but is greener than blue/ 青出於藍而勝於藍 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 [qing1 chu1 yu2 lan2 er2 sheng4 yu2 lan2] /(proverb) the student becomes superior to the master/(lit.) green is born of blue, but is greener than blue/ 一天到晚 一天到晚 [yi1 tian1 dao4 wan3] /all day long/the whole day/ - 侃侃而谈 侃侃而谈 [kan3 kan3 er2 tan2] /speak frankly with assurance/ 侃侃而談 侃侃而谈 [kan3 kan3 er2 tan2] /speak frankly with assurance/ 剛毅 刚毅 [gang1 yi4] /resolute/steadfast/stalwart/ - 幽 幽 [you1] /quiet/secluded/ 幽 幽 [you1] /quiet/secluded/Hades/ 利茲 利兹 [Li4 zi1] /Leeds/ 潑冷水 泼冷水 [po1 leng3 shui3] /to dampen one's enthusiasm/(lit.) to pour cold water on/ 潁 颍 [Ying3] /river in Henan and Anhui/ 潁 颍 [ying3] /grain husk, tip of something short and slender/ 斷檔 断档 [duan4 dang4] /to be sold out/to be out of stock/ 份額 份额 [fen4 e2] /share/portion/ - 馬來人 马来人 [ma3 lai2 ren2] /Malaysian person or people/ 馬來人 马来人 [ma3 lai2 ren2] /Malay person or people/ 馬來西亚人 马来西亚人 [ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4 ren2] /Malaysian person or people/ - 伏 伏 [fu2] /conceal (ambush)/prostrate/submit/ 伏 伏 [fu2] /conceal (ambush)/prostrate/submit/volt/ 彈出 弹出 [tan2 chu1] /to eject/to exit from/ 公館 公馆 [gong1 guan3] /residence (of s.b. rich or important)/mansion/ 異軍突起 异军突起 [yi4 jun1 tu1 qi3] /a new factor changing the situation/ 心虛 心虚 [xin1 xu1] /lacking in confidence/have a guilty conscience/ 爛糊 烂糊 [lan4 hu5] /overripe/overcooked/ 翩然而至 翩然而至 [pian1 ran2 er2 zhi4] /come trippingly/ 何在 何在 [he2 zai4] /where?/what place?/ 文質彬彬 文质彬彬 [wen2 zhi4 bin1 bin1] /refined in manner/gentle/ 芳心 芳心 [fang1 xin1] /the affection, or heart, of a young woman/ 唐突 唐突 [tang2 tu1] /to be rude/to offend/ 妙品 妙品 [miao4 pin3] /a fine work of art/ 地痞 地痞 [di4 pi3] /local ruffian/riffraff/ 太保 太保 [tai4 bao3] /a very high official in ancient China/juvenile delinquents/ 小龍蝦 小龙虾 [xiao3 long2 xia1] /crayfish/langoustine/chicken lobster/ - 冤 冤 [yuan1] /injustice/to wrong/ 冤 冤 [yuan1] /injustice/grievance/wrong/ 寃 寃 [yuan1] /trad. variant of 冤/injustice/grievance/wrong/ - 湘 湘 [xiang1] /name of a river/ 湘 湘 [Xiang1] /(abbr.) Hunan province/(abbr.) Xiangjiang (river in Hunan)/ - 草稿 草稿 [cao3 gao3] /outline/sketch/ 草稿 草稿 [cao3 gao3] /draft/outline/sketch/ - 自豪 自豪 [zi4 hao2] /(feel a sense of) pride/ 自豪 自豪 [zi4 hao2] /(feel a sense of) pride/to be proud of something (in a good way)/ - 甭 甭 [beng2] /need not/ 甭 甭 [beng2] /need not/(contraction of 不 and 用)/ 排場 排场 [pai2 chang5] /ostentation/a show of extravagance/grand style/red tape/ 麒麟 麒麟 [qi2 lin2] /Chinese unicorn/ 即時通訊 即时通讯 [ji2 shi2 tong1 xun4] /Instant Messaging/IM/ 鋪鋪 铺盖 [pu1 gai4] /bedding/bedclothes/ 怸 怸 [xi1] /trad variant of 悉 (obscure)/Achyranthes bidentata, a root used in Chinese medecine, equivalent to 牛膝/ 牛膝 牛膝 [niu2 xi1] /Achyranthes bidentata (root used in Chinese medecine)/ 迷宮 迷宫 [mi3 gong1] /a maze/ 卷帙浩繁 卷帙浩繁 [juan4 ji4 hao4 fan2] /a huge amount (of books and papers)/ 去向不明 去向不明 [qu4 xiang4 bu4 ming2] /missing/lost/ 天竺 天竺 [Tian1 zhu2] /the Indian subcontinent (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context)/ 李约瑟 李约瑟 [Li3 Yue1 se4] /Joseph Needham (1900-1995), British biochemist and author of Science and Civilization in China/ 约瑟 约瑟 [Yue1 se4] /Joseph (name)/ 雅各 雅各 [Ya3 ge4] /Jacob (name)/ - 濃縮 浓缩 [nong2 suo4] /concentrate/concentration/ 濃縮 浓缩 [nong2 suo1] /to concentrate (a liquid)/concentration/espresso coffee/abbr. for T:意式濃縮咖啡|S:意式浓缩咖啡/ 意式濃縮咖啡 意式浓缩咖啡 [yi4 shi4 nong2 suo1 ka1 fei1] /espresso/Italian style strong coffee/ - 萎縮 萎缩 [wei3 suo1] /atrophy/ 萎縮 萎缩 [wei3 suo1] /to wither/to dry up (of a plant)/to atrophy (of muscle or organ)/ - 裘馨氏肌肉萎縮症 裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症 [qiu2 xin1 shi4 ji1 rou4 wei1 suo1 zheng4] /Duchenne muscular dystrophy/ 裘馨氏肌肉萎縮症 裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症 [qiu2 xin1 shi4 ji1 rou4 wei1 suo3 zheng4] /Duchenne muscular dystrophy/ 肌肉萎縮症 肌肉萎缩症 [ji1 rou4 wei1 suo3 zheng4] /muscular dystrophy/ 自留地 自留地 [zi4 liu2 di4] /private plot allocated to an individual on a collective farm/ 定鼎 定鼎 [ding4 ding3] /lit. to set up the sacred tripods (following Yu the Great)/to fix the capital/to found a dynasty/used in advertising/ 踏勘 踏勘 [ta4 kan1] /an on-site survey/to explore/ 冤屈 冤屈 [yuan1 qu1] /to receive unjust treatment/injustice/ 亞羅號 亚罗号 [Ya4 luo2 hao4] /the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered ship involved in historical incident in 1856 used as pretext for the second Opium War)/ 亞羅號事件 亚罗号事件 [Ya4 luo2 hao4 shi4 jian4] /the Arrow incident of 1856 (used as pretext for the second Opium War)/ 科卿 科卿 [ke1 qing1] /Cochin (in S India)/ 高岭土 高岭土 [gao1 ling3 tu3] /kaolin (clay)/ 就范 就范 [jiu4 fan4] /to submit/to give in/ 兩廣 两广 [liang3 guan1] /the two provinces of Guandong and Guanxi (in Qing times)/ 兩廣總督 两广总督 [liang3 guan1 zong3 du1] /Governor of Guandong and Guanxi/ 郎世寧 郎世宁 [Lang2 shi4 ning2] /Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766) Jesuit who served as Qing court painter for 50 years)/ 圓明園 圆明园 [Yuan2 ming2 yuan2] /the old summer palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1861/ 雍正 雍正 [Yong1 zheng4] /third Qing emperor, reigned 1722-1735/ 琉璃 琉璃 [liu2 li2] /glazed tile (used on roof of palaces)/ 西洋人 西洋人 [xi1 yang2 ren2] /westerner/ 西洋 西洋 [xi1 yang2] /the West/Europe/ - 反應 反应 [fan3 ying4] /reaction/response/reply/ 反應 反应 [fan3 ying4] /to react/to respond/reaction/response/reply/chemical reaction/ 打攪 打搅 [da3 jiao3] /to disturb/to trouble/ 康乾盛世 康乾盛世 [kang1 qian2 sheng4 shi4] /booming and golden age of Qing dynasty (from Kang Xi to Qian Long emperors)/ - 藍 蓝 [la5] /kohlrabi/ - 藍 蓝 [lan2] /blue/ 蓼藍 蓼蓝 [liao3 lan2] /indigo dye/Polygonum tinctorium/ 烏藍 乌蓝 [wu1 lan2] /dark blue/ 藍 蓝 [lan2] /blue/cabbage/ 苤藍 苤蓝 [pie3 lan5] /Brassica oleracea/kohlrabi/ 甘藍 甘蓝 [gan1 lan2] /cabbage/ - 同義词 同义词 [tong2 yi4 ci2] /synonym/ 同義詞 同义词 [tong2 yi4 ci2] /synonym/ 反義詞 反义词 [fan3 yi4 ci2] /opposite (meaning)/antonym/ 呐喊 呐喊 [na4 han3] /a shout/a rallying cry/ - 賸 賸 [sheng4] /have as remainder/ 賸 賸 [sheng4] /have as remainder/trad. variant of 剩/ 剩磁 剩磁 [sheng4 ci2] /residual magnetism/ 振作 振作 [zhen4 zuo4] /encouraged/to summon up (courage)/to encourage/to uplift/to stimulate/ 頹唐 颓唐 [tui2 tang2] /dispirited/depressed/ 頹廢 颓废 [tui2 fei4] /dispirited/depressed/ 萎靡 萎靡 [wei3 mi3] /dispirited/depressed/ 委靡 委靡 [wei3 mi3] /dispirited/depressed/ 主顧 主顾 [zhu3 gu1] /client/customer/ 黃酒 黄酒 [huang2 jiu3] /"yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually served warm)/ 羼水 羼水 [chan4 shui3] /to mix with water (wine)/to adulterate/ 吹熄 吹熄 [chui1 xi1] /to blow out (a flame)/ 燈盏 灯盏 [deng1 zhan3] /lantern/uncovered oil lamp/ 燈罩 灯罩 [deng1 zhao4] /cover of lamp/lampshade/glass cover of oil lamp/ 窸窣 窸窣 [xi1 su4] /a rustling noise/ |