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Change log entry 13238
Processed by: miles (2009-08-14 05:43:26 GMT)
- 龜頭 龟头 [gui1 tou2] /glans/head of a turtle/
+ 龜頭 龟头 [gui1 tou2] /glans penis/head of a turtle/
- 巨細胞病毒視網膜炎 巨细胞病毒视网膜炎 [ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2 shi4 wang3 mo2 yan2] /CMV Retinitis/
+ 巨細胞病毒視網膜炎 巨细胞病毒视网膜炎 [ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2 shi4 wang3 mo2 yan2] /Cytomegalovirus retinitis, a disease of the retina that can lead to blindness/CMV retinitis/
+ 龜甲 龟甲 [gui1 jia3] /armor/armor plating/
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