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Change log entry 12818
Processed by: ycandau (2009-07-05 16:06:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12344 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
unfortunate instance of a basic entry which was rather incomplete and muddled.

<< resubmitted review queue entry 11959 - submitted by 'rollastout' >>
I reviewed 8 different dictionaries and yours was the only source to include the 3rd tone and the differentiating definition.

At least 2 other sources included the word "raft" as one of the definitions for PAI2 and listed two examples: MU-PAI 木排, "timber raft; a raft of logs" and ZHU-PAI 竹排, "bamboo raft." It would seem that these two terms should be listed under PAI3 instead of PAI2, but the other sources do not list PAI3.

Additionally, the 2 examples that you provide for PAI3 are: 排瀉 PAI-XIE "to excrete" and 排瀉物 PAI-XIE-WU "excretement," neither of which are consistent with your definition of PAI3, "row of logs or boards." Instead, these two terms seem to be more consistent with multiple definitions found under PAI2 - e.g., a) to clear out;
b) to expel; to eject; to exclude; to discharge; to get rid of; to eliminate; to drain;
c) to push, to push open, to shove,

Are the other sources incorrect? Or is this source incorrect?
- 排 排 [pai3] /row of logs or boards/
- 排 排 [pai2] /to eliminate/to get rid of/to discharge/to drain/platoon/line up/
+ 排 排 [pai2] /a row/a line/to set in order/to arrange/to line up/to eliminate/to drain/to push open/platoon/raft/classifier for lines, rows etc/
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