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Change log entry 12468
Processed by: feilipu (2009-06-25 01:18:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11941 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11940 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
+ 梁湘 樑湘 [Liang2 Xiang1] /(1919-1989) first governor of Hainan Province, P.R.C. (in office 1988-1989)/
+ 刘剑峰 劉劍峰 [Liu2 Jian4 feng1] /(1936-) second governor of Hainan Province, P.R.C. (in office 1989-1993)/
+ 阮崇武 阮崇武 [Ruan3 Chong2 wu3] /(1933-) third governor of Hainan Province, P.R.C. (in office 1993-1998)/
+ 汪啸风 汪嘯風 [Wang1 Xiao4 feng1] /(1944-) fourth governor of Hainan Province, P.R.C. (in office 1998-2003)/
+ 卫留成 衛留成 [Wei4 Liu2 cheng2] /(1946-) fifth governor of Hainan Province, P.R.C. (in office 2003-2007)/
+ 罗保铭 羅保銘 [Luo2 Bao3 ming2] /(1952-) sixth governor of Hainan Province, P.R.C. (in office 2007-)/
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